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Jijo Punnoose. Profile


This page contains personal writings of Jijo Punnoose.

Some of which are sensitive and may not be palatable to every reader.

Other articles by this author, a reader would find, technical and scientific in nature.

But not so here.

The author has written the articles by what is termed as 'discernment'.

Hence sections within may not sound politically correct.

It is cautioned that unless the reader has had some spiritual foundation,

some of these articles would seem absurd.

Because, spirituality is of a domain beyond the rational mind.

... a flaming chariot and flaming horses came ... ,

and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. 2 Kings 2 : 11

Sirach  48
04. How awesome are you, Elijah! Whose glory is equal to yours?
09. You were taken aloft in a whirlwind, in a chariot with fiery horses. 
10.  You are destined, it is written, in time to come ...

before the day of the LORD.
11. Blessed is the one who shall have seen you before he dies! 

About Safety. Guidelines/


Role Model. Diaries/


Global Studio. Project

On Children's films

of Navodaya

On S3D, 3D Imaging, Strereovision, Chris Condon & Me

Of Sexual Morality.

During the making of the Bible TV Serial (1991-93), one of the recurring discussions between this author and his colleagues was on the topic – characteristics of a prophet.

We carried the never-ending discussions with Christian theologians at the great seminaries of India and Europe. With Jewish writers and poets at Haifa, Beer Sheva, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. At the digs of Ashkelon … the heights of Masada … the caves of Qumran.  

What is it that makes somebody a prophet?

Given the personalities of the ones in the Bible – starting with Moses, Samuel … down to John the Baptist (and many a false ones in between) and also that of the Koran, questions were raised about the charisma of the individual and its resonance on the society?

The above questions had to be thematically addressed so as the nuances of a prophet could be visually portrayed in a film.

There was never any conclusion. It always ended in undefinable mysticism at best.

This author found the answer … only when he himself became one! In fact, on becoming  

*‘The Messenger of Covenant’. (Oh, not just that … also the one beloved to ‘the beloved one of the Creator’).

This happened in the year 1998.

Maybe it was to make the author realize ‘what makes a prophet?’ the Joan of Arc discourse below was dictated to him.

*Messenger of the Covenant.  Joan.Arc.I 

 yet to be formatted   joan.arc.II(pre)

Now, why was it that all those intellectual discussions (1991-93) inconclusive?

Well, they were all devoid of The Principal Agency from whom the prophets received their call. 

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